Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Change and Continuity in Constantinople

Constantinople was a city with a long an assorted history particularly during that time of 1450 to 1750. Between these to dates Constantinople changed definitely in its political structure. Constantinople additionally had a gigantic possibility in its exchange action. Advancement both militarily and nonmilitary inside this city anyway remained for all intents and purposes unaltered between 1450 to 1750. In short Constantinople changed itself between 1450 to 1750 in the fields of government and business, yet stayed consistent in its mechanical progressions. In the zone of governmental issues the opportunity of Constantinople couldn’t have been progressively radical in the years somewhere in the range of 1450 and 1750. In1453 the Byzantine Empire tumbled to the Ottoman Empire in the attack of Constantinople. This thusly permitted the Ottoman Turks to take Constantinople and totally rout the remainder of the staying Byzantine Empire. The Ottoman Empire renamed the city to Istanbul and made it one of there capitals of there realm that administered generally the entirety of the Middle East. The city was amazingly defenseless against assault due to the forward campaigns that sacked the city and vigorously exhausted its populace and permitted hassocks to take it. This new government took into consideration the development of religions, even make Constantinople a once Christian fortress to a prevalently Muslim city. This new government additionally took into account an enormous ascent in populace going from two or three thousand in the fifteenth century to the over a large portion of a million in the eighteenth century. This was brought about by an expansion of culture and work of art because of the administration of Suleiman the Magnificent. The other huge change in Constantinople between 1450 to 1750 was the measure of exchange that was preformed. The absence of exchange was a result of Ottoman overcoming of the city in 1453. This catch of the city made absolute predominance of the Middle East made a provincial square of all exchange courses viably making an Ottoman exchange restraining infrastructure which permitted the Ottomans to charge anything they desired, this made it unrewarding to exchange for the Asian products that Europeans needed so terrible. This was the biggest purpose behind the Europe’s period of investigation. The straightforward reality that the costs were too high making exchange unreasonable causing an absence of exchange and Europeans seeking the ocean for exchange with Asia. This interestingly with the past a lot of exchange that utilization to experience Constantinople in light of its incredible area between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. Those most components of the city of Constantinople were changed by the new domain that managed it the one thing that remained the equivalent was the innovation that was utilized in Constantinople. The Ottoman Turks were extremely backward and didn’t grasp new innovations. This absence of movement brought about by the Ottoman traditionalist pastorate in addition to the absence of exchange cause an absence of dispersion and an absence of headways in there society. This at the same time the remainder of the world was making a far cry forward. This was what caused the drawn out destruction of the Ottoman.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

I need to upload the file so you can have the instructions Essay

I have to transfer the record so you can have the guidelines - Essay Example Conversation introduced in this blend article wants to achieve the accomplishment of distinguishing those sources which are thought to give top to bottom examination of how adequacy in advanced education can be accomplished. It is imperative to decide these sources according to advanced education since they delineate various factors which are ordinarily utilized in advanced education settings. Contemplating these factors encourages the perusers in understanding those hidden systems through which the factors make the procedure of advanced education effective. Some significant components considered for this situation incorporate profitability, adequacy, unit cost, and productivity. Regarding the components of profitability, productivity and viability, there are different points of view that impact how every one of these elements can be utilized to quantify the general adequacy of advanced education organizations. While various sources give differing contentions with respect to how successful advanced education is, an all inclusive component as innovation is considered in a large portion of these sources. Innovation is referenced in different sources as a factor that impacts the adequacy of advanced education. This combination paper looks to concur while simultaneously it likewise offers an alternate point of view since most sources are peer-evaluated and offer quality examination measurements with respect to the viability of advanced education. Following conversation intends to enlighten the truth of this case â€Å"the viability of advanced education is affected by key administration of contributions to impact outputs.† It is essential to comprehend the terms inside this postulation articulation since following conversation is driven by these ideas of key administration, proficient information, and instructive yields. The more prominent the degree of information sources, the more prominent the degree of results or yields is taken note. Data sources can be characterized as the assets of advanced education

Thursday, August 13, 2020

How to Write and Format a Business Letter for Dummies

How to Write and Format a Business Letter for Dummies So ??u are a r??ll? ?m?rt guy ?r l?d? and ??u just r???ntl? landed your dream Job.Tw? w??k? ?n th? job ?nd ??u’v? ?lr??d? b???m? ???ul?r ?m?ng ??ur colleagues b???u??, “w?ll, as I pointed out, you ?r? v?r? smart”.On? day, ??ur boss ??k? for suggestions on a ?r?j??t th? ??m??n? w?? working on and ??ur ??ll??gu?? all g?v? their not so wonderful suggestions.But you h?d ??m?thing better to offer. Y?u r?i??d ??ur h?nd and you w?r? giv?n ??rmi??i?n to ????k.E??h word you spoke sounded angelic. Y?ur ideas were top n?t?h ?nd ?v?r?b?d? w?? ?m?z?d.In fact, at a ??int, ??u ?v?n became amazed that ??u could be th?t smart. But n?w, the manager w?nt? you t? write a bu?in??? l?tt?r to th? ??r??r?t? h??d?u?rt?r? in New York, ?x?l?ining this your bright idea t? th?m.The problem is, ??u’v? n?v?r writt?n a business l?tt?r b?f?r?, and n?w, they want ??u to ?t?rt with writing to the b????? of ??ur b???. Once it ??m?? t? writing, ??u are a dumm?.What’s worse is that you wouldn’t lik? anyone to think ??u ?r? not that smart, especially when you’ve managed to convince them that you are.W?’v? ?ll b??n th?r?, w?’ve ?ll had that ?n? thing ????l? assume w? know, when in reality, w? don’t.Thi? ?rti?l? will tr? t? t???h ??u h?w t? write a bu?in??? letter.FIRST, WHAT’S A BUSINESS LETTER? A business letter i? a t??? ?f letter th?t r??uir?? ?r?f???i?n?li?m ?nd ????ifi?it? r?th?r th?n being something ?r??tiv? ?nd inf?rm?l.Th? business w?rld ??mmuni??t?? in a m?nn?r th?t i? m?r? f?rm?l ?nd ???ur?t? ?? th? business l?tt?r ??u ?r?du?? should r?fl??t thi? id??l?g?.D? n?t ??nfu?? this with a f?rm?l letter ?? the two n?m??, business l?tt?r ?nd f?rm?l letter, ?r? sometimes used int?r?h?ng??bl?.It is ?l?? im??rt?nt to r?m?mb?r th?t recipients of business l?tt?r? do n?t u?u?ll? h?v? a lot of ???r?time t? particularly read thr?ugh every d?t?il ?f ??ur m????g?.They will m??t lik?l? w?nt to skim thr?ugh th? most im??rt?nt ??rt? ?nd b? able t? r??idl? reply t? fini?h th? m?tt?r.This i? im??rt?nt t? t?k? int? ??n?id?r?ti?n f?r ??ur business l?tt?r f?rm?t ?? you d? not want t? b? rambling ?n f?r m?n? ??g?? ?? thi? will ?n?ur? ??ur l?tt?r t? be thrown away.The ?v?r?ll ?t?l? ?f letter depends on th? r?l?ti?n?hi? b?tw??n th? parties ??n??rn?d.Business l?tt?r? ??n h?v? m?n? types ?f contents, f?r example to request direct information ?r ??ti?n from another party, t? ?rd?r ?u??li?? from a ?u??li?r, to point out a mi?t?k? b? th? letters r??i?i?nt, t? r??l? dir??tl? to a r??u??t, t? ???l?giz? f?r a wrong, or t? ??nv?? goodwill.A bu?in??? l?tt?r is ??m?tim?? useful because it produces a permanent writt?n r???rd, and may b? taken m?r? ??ri?u?l? b? the recipient th?n ?th?r forms ?f ??mmuni??ti?nWho writ?? Bu?in??? Letters?Most ????l? who h?v? an occupation have t? write business l?tt?r?.S?m? writ? m?n? l?tt?r? ???h day and ?th?r? ?nl? write a f?w l?tt?r? over th? ??ur?? ?f a career. Business people also r??d letters on a d?il? b??i?.Letters ?r? writt?n from a person/group, kn ?wn ?? the sender t? a ??r??n/gr?u?, known in bu?in??? ?? the r??i?i?nt.H?r? are ??m? ?x?m?l?? of senders and r??i?i?nt?:Bu?in??? ? Bu?in???Business ? ConsumerJ?b Applicant ? ??m??n??itiz?n ? Government ?ffi?i?l?m?l???r ? Employee?t?ff M?mb?r ? ?t?ff M?mb?rObj??tiv?? ?nd fun?ti?n? ?f bu?in??? l?tt?rEv?r? bu?in??? organization h?? t? maintain ??nt??t with it? various ??rtn?r? lik? ?u??li?r?, ?u?t?m?r?, government ?g?n?i?? ?nd ?? ?n.Bu?in??? l?tt?r serves as th? bridg? t? ??mmuni??t? with th? v?ri?u? parties.Th? fun?ti?n? ?f bu?in??? letters ?r? multidimensional.Building G??dwill: An?th?r important ?ur???? ?f a bu?in??? l?tt?r i? t? sell the good r??ut?ti?n ?nd fri?ndlin??? of a ??m??n?. It ??t? ?? an ?mb????d?r ?f a ??untr? for th? company. It ?im? ?t building goodwill in ?u?t?m?r?-??m??n? r?l?ti?n?hi?, h?lding present ?u?t?m?r?, reviving in??tiv? accounts ?nd inviting ?u?t?m?r? t? bu? m?r? and varied products.Records and References: Bu?in??? l?tt?r are v?r? u??ful as records ?nd r?f ?r?n??? ?f previous transactions. In bu?in???, innum?r?bl? transactions ?r ??mmuni??ti?n? occur with a l?rg? numb?r ?f people th?t are n?t ????ibl? f?r a businessman t? remember. Wh?n m?m?r? f?il?, bu?in??? l?tt?r? ??t ?? ?r?vi?u? records ?nd ??n be used f?r future r?f?r?n??.M?king a Lasting Impression: In ???? ?f ?r?l ??mmuni??ti?n, the impact ?f ?n? m????g? is felt mainly during th? tim? ?f h??ring. And as soon ?? th? next ?r?l communication takes place, th? effect ?f th? ?r?vi?u? one is r?du??d. But a l?tt?r makes a l??ting im?r???i?n ?n the readers’ mind ?? it ?t??? with th?m and works ?ff??tiv?l? ?v?r? tim? it i? r??d.Building ?nd Maintaining Bu?in??? R?l?ti?n: Business l?tt?r? help to build ?nd maintain bu?in??? r?l?ti?n ?m?ng various ??rti?? lik? m?nuf??tur?r?, distributors, int?rm?di?ri??, support ??rvi??? and ??n?um?r?.T? Ex?h?ng? Business Inf?rm?ti?n: The ?rim? objective ?f a bu?in??? l?tt?r is t? ?x?h?ng? business r?l?t?d inf?rm?ti?n between the ??rti?? involved. M??t ? f th? tim? business ????l? ??nd l?tt?r? t? th?ir ??unt?r-??rti?? containing v?ri?u? bu?in??? inf?rm?ti?n.Widening the A??r???h: It is very diffi?ult to send business r??r???nt?tiv?? t? ?ll th? ?l????. But a l?tt?r can be sent any ?l??? ?t ?n? di?t?n??. S?m?tim?? ?x??utiv??, ?r?f???i?n?l?, ??liti?i?n?, ?t?. ?r? diffi?ult t? be ???r???h?d ??r??n?ll?. But a l?tt?r can find easy access to ?n?b?d?. Thu? a bu?in??? l?tt?r helps t? widen the ?r?? of bu?in??? operations and also th? access t? a large number ?f ????l?.An Authoritative Pr??f: A bu?in??? l?tt?r ?l?? ??rv?? th? ?ur???? ?f evidence. A written commitment bind? th? concerned parties t? ?b?? to th? text of writing. A l?tt?r signed b? a r????n?ibl? ??r??n acts as ?n ?uth?rit?tiv? proof ?f wh?t i? ??id in it. It ??n ?v?n be tr??t?d as a v?lid document th?t ??n be produced as ?vid?n?? in a court ?f law if any dispute ?ri???.Oth?r?: Bu?in??? letter also has ??m? ?th?r fun?ti?n? b??id? the ?b?v? ones. It ?r?vid?? l?g?l f??ilit?, ??v?? t im?, helps t? in?r???? products, demand, h?l?? t? ??ttl? tr?n???ti?n easily and it is accepted by ?ll ?? a reliable media of ??mmuni??ti?n.HOW T? WRITE AND F?RM?T A BU?IN??? LETTERAny time ??u ??mmuni??t? with ?th?r? ?n b?h?lf ?f your company, ??u need t? m?k? ?ur? that ??u’r? r??r???nting your ??m??n? w?ll.B???d on ??ur bu?in??? l?tt?r?, wh?t is th? im?r???i?n th?t ??u’r? m?king on ??ur ?li?nt?, v?nd?r?, donors, ?nd ?th?r??B? knowing h?w t? writ? a business l?tt?r, you ??n ?r??t? ?r?f???i?n?l documents th?t will im?r??? your r??i?i?nt? and persuade them t? take th? ??ti?n ??u want.A business letter is a powerful tool, if you get it right, you might just be able to that task that once seemed impossible.Here is how to write a business letter.1. FormatStart b? f?rm?tting ??ur document ?r???rl?. U?? a l?tt?r-?iz? d??um?nt (8.5” wid? and 11” high) with ?n?-in?h margins ?ll th? w?? around.Bl??k ??r?gr??h? ?r? th? ?r?f?rr?d f?rm?t, whi?h r??uir? ??u to push th? Enter k?? twi?? b?t w??n ??r?gr??h? and r?fr?in fr?m ind?nting ?n? ??r?gr??h.Also, choose ?n easy-to-read font, ?u?h ?? Ari?l or Times N?w R?m?n.K??? the ?iz? n? smaller ?r l?rg?r th?n 12 ??int?, and use bl??k font. R?m?mb?r th?t th? f?rm?t ?nd f?nt ?h?uld add t? the ?r?f???i?n?li?m of the bu?in??? letter ?nd ????k t? your ??m??n?’? br?nd.A Bu?in??? L?tt?r FormatTh? format ?f a bu?in??? l?tt?r contains a f?w ?t?nd?rd ??rt? which ?r?:The d?t?Information about it? sender ?nd r??i?i?ntA salutationA body consisting ?f a f?w ??n?i?? ??r?gr??h?A ?l??ingThe ??nd?r’? ?ign?tur?Th? ??nd?r’? t???d n?m?, titl?, ?nd contact inf?rm?ti?nA list ?f enclosures, if n??????r?2. Addresses ?nd D?t?Unl??? ??ur company has a ?r?-d??ign?d l?tt?rh??d th?t in?lud?? the address, you ?h?uld b?gin ??ur l?tt?r with th? ??m??n?’? ?ddr???.T??? it ?ut ?n th? t?? l?ft ??rn?r of th? paper (?r right ??rn?r, if th?t’? ??ur ??m??n?’? ?r?f?r?n??). F?r ?x?m?l?:Bu?in???, In?. 123 C?r??r?t? R??d Anywhere, CA 94704Th?n, after a f?w b l?nk lin??, ?dd th? date. Y?u ??uld state it in ?ith?r ?rd?r: m?nth-d?t?-???r (J?nu?r? 1, 2018) or d?t?-m?nth-???r (1 J?nu?r? 2018).Aft?r a f?w more bl?nk lin??, ?dd the r??i?i?nt’? ??nt??t inf?rm?ti?n. It’? best to ?ddr??? th? l?tt?r t? a ??rti?ul?r ??r??n wh? will b? r????n?ibl? f?r replying t? ??u.If you d?n’t kn?w who thi? ??r??n m?? b?, it’s time t? do ??m? research.Then, writ? ?ut th? ?ddr??? lik? thi?:J?n? Doe Business Letter Liaison (the ??r??n’? title within the ??m??n?) C?m??n? XYZ 321 Pr?f???i?n?l Way An?wh?r?, NY 100013. S?lut?ti?nTh? salutation th?t ??u in?lud? l?rg?l? depends ?n th? level of f?rm?lit? b?tw??n you ?nd th? r??i?i?nt.H?w w?ll do you kn?w him ?r her?If ??u h?v? a m?r? ???u?l relationship with the recipient, ??u ??uld use his ?r h?r fir?t name. In this ????, ??u ??uld ??? “Dear Kim” or “Dear St?v?”.If ??u don’t kn?w th? recipient v?r? w?ll, use the person’s titl? and last n?m?, ?u?h ?? “Dear Dr. B?b???k” ?r “Dear Mr?. St. J?m??†.If, h?w?v?r, you don’t kn?w wh?th?r the recipient i? a m?n ?r w?m?n, you could use th?ir full n?m?. F?r ?x?m?l?, you ??uld ??? “Dear Kim St. J?m??”.As a l??t r???rt, ??u ??n u?? “T? Whom It M?? C?n??rn”. But, thi? ??lut?ti?n is im??r??n?l, ?? it i?n’t the b??t ??ti?n f?r ??ur bu?in??? letter.If ??u ?h???? to u?? it, r?m?mb?r t? put a ??l?n ?ft?r the ?hr???. Oth?rwi??, ??u ?h?uld use a ??mm? ?ft?r th? ??lut?ti?n.4. Body P?r?gr??h?While ?r?fting th? b?d? paragraph(s), remember th?t the r??i?i?nt i? a bu?? ??r??n.Y?u d?n’t want to t?k? u? too much of their time with fluff, f?n?? tr?n?iti?n?, ?r unf?mili?r vocabulary.In?t??d, k??? ??ur l?tt?r bri?f, ?l??r, and ?r?f???i?n?l.Communicate ??ur ??int? in a w?? th?t will b? ???? to und?r?t?nd without the n??d t? contact you f?r furth?r information.Also, u?? personal ?r?n?un?â€"?u?h ?? “I, w?, ?nd you”â€"to k??? a ??nv?r??ti?n?l t?n?.Additi?n?ll?, remember th? goal ?f ??ur letter.More lik?l? th?n n?t, ??u ?r?b?bl? w?nt t? p ersuade th? recipient in ?n? way ?r ?n?th?r.M??b? ??u want th?t person t? ??nd m?n??, fix ?n issue, t?k? an ??ti?n, or change his ?r her mind ?n an im??rt?nt i??u?.Whatever the ???? may b?, you need to use ?u???rting d?t?il? to m?k? your ?rgum?nt as ?ff??tiv? ?? ????ibl?.An?th?r w?? t? ?tr?ngth?n ??ur ?rgum?nt i? b? u?ing ??tiv? v?i?? r?th?r th?n a ????iv? ?n? thr?ugh?ut ??ur l?tt?r.With passive v?i??, th? ?ubj??t ?f th? ??nt?n?? i? b?ing acted u??n. H?w?v?r, f?r ??tiv? v?i??, the ?ubj??t should d? th? ??ti?n. For ?x?m?l?:Passive: Th? l?tt?r was writt?n b? J?hnn?.A?tiv?: J?hnn? wrote th? letter.D? you ??? the difference b?tw??n these ??nt?n???? U?ing ??tiv? v?i?? ?tr?ngth?n? your ideas and ?l?v?t?? your writing.Therefore, ?im for ??tiv? v?i?? wh?n?v?r ????ibl?.5. Additional PagesM??t business letters ?h?uld stick to ?n? page.If ??u n??d t? u?? more ??g??, m?k? ?ur? t? in?lud? a header.In thi? header, you could r??t?t? the recipient’s name, date, and an ?bbr?vi?t?d ?ddr???. It’? ?l?? important to in?lud? page numb?r? to h?l? ??ur r??i?i?nt keep th? ??g?? in th? ??rr??t ?rd?r.6. Concluding P?r?gr??hWh?n ??u’v? fini?h?d writing the b?d? paragraphs, ??n?id?r starting ??ur ??n?lu?i?n with a ?umm?r? ?f your main ??int?.Wh?t w?? ??ur r????n f?r writing th? l?tt?r? Make ?ur? t? summarize th?t in your ??n?lu?i?n.F?r example, if ??u w?nt t? ??r?u?d? a ??m??n? to giv? ??u th?ir bu?in???, m?k? ?ur? th?t ??u r?mind th?m of thi? f??t in th? ??n?lu?i?n.Bri?fl? r??t?t? the r????n? th?t th?? ?h?uld choose your ??m??n? ?v?r th? competition.Then, let th? recipients know what th? n?xt ?t?? should be.Sh?uld they ??nt??t ??u f?r m?r? inf?rm?ti?n? Do you w?nt th?m t? write ??u back? Ar? you h??ing th?t they ??nd money?M?k? ?ur? t? ?l??rl? ?t?t? what you w?nt th? r??i?i?nt and th?ir ??m??n? to d?.End the l?tt?r b? ?x?r???ing ??ur gr?titud? f?r th?ir time.R?m?mb?r that you’re addressing a bu?? ??r??n, so l?t him or her know h?w mu?h ??u appreciate the tim? th?? took t? r??d (? nd h???full? respond) to ??ur l?tt?r.You ??uld ?im?l? ??? ??m?thing like “Th?nk ??u f?r ??ur time ?nd ?tt?nti?n t? thi? matter!”7. ClosingCl??? your l?tt?r in a similar way t? how ??u ???n?d ??ur l?tt?r.The ?l??ing th?t ??u ?h???? should b? r?????tful and ??h? the l?v?l of familiarity ?h?wn in th? ??lut?ti?n. Some of th? ??ti?n? f?r th? ?l??ing in?lud?:Sin??r?l?Best wishesTh?nk youAll the b??tRespectfullyYours trulyWhi?h?v?r ?n? you choose, m?k? ?ur? t? put a comma after the closing.Then, sign ??ur n?m? in blu? ?r black ink. If ??u’r? ?m?iling th? l?tt?r, u?l??d a ???? of your ?ign?tur? th?t you can paste int? the l?tt?r ?ft?r the closing.Th?n, add ??ur ??nt??t inf?rm?ti?n: ?m?il address, ??ll ?h?n? numb?r, ?t?.If ??u’r? ??nding th? bu?in??? l?tt?r ?n b?h?lf of ??ur ??m??n?, add “pp” und?r ??ur n?m?. This ?t?nd? for “??r procurationem”, which means “thr?ugh th? ?g?n?? ?f” in Latin.B? adding thi? to ??ur l?tt?r, th? recipient knows that ??u’r? speaking f?r ??ur ??m??n? and n?t ju?t f?r ??ur??lf.An?th?r thing th?t you could ?dd to th? ?nd of th? letter i? CC, ?r ??rb?n copy. This tells th? recipient th?t th?? are r???iving a copy ?f a l?tt?r that w?? ??nt to ?th?r?.Th?n, you could list the ?th?r individu?l? who r???iv?d th? l?tt?r.8. Optional En?l??ur?Finally, ?r? ??u in?luding ?n? ?th?r d??um?nt? with your l?tt?r?If you w?nt t? include a contract, bill, ?dv?rti??m?nt, ?r other d??um?nt, ??u n??d to writ? “En?l??ur?” ?r “En?l” at the end of your l?tt?r. Y?u can add thi? a f?w lines ?ft?r ??ur signature.Al??, you ??uld m?k? a ?ui?k n?t? ?f wh?t th? ?n?l??ur? i? or how m?n? ??g?? ?r? included.Th? enclosure should b? th? l??t ??rt ?f ??ur bu?in??? l?tt?r.H?w?v?r, if th?r? ?r? multi?l? people receiving th? l?tt?r ?nd ?n?l??ur?(?), ??u ?h?uld h?v? “En?l??ur??” ??m? b?f?r? “CC”.Fin?l Th?ught?A business l?tt?r needs t? follow th? proper format ?nd f?rm?liti?? in ?rd?r to appear professional t? th? recipients.You w?nt your writing t ? provide a gr??t fir?t im?r???i?n t? ?li?nt?, customers, v?nd?r?, associates, ?nd ?th?r? r???iving ??mmuni??ti?n? from ??u.What d??? your writing ??? ?b?ut ??ur ??m??n?? Will it ?r??t? th? right impression?B? following th??? ?t??? ?n h?w t? writ? a bu?in??? letter, ?nd checking ??ur writing f?r ???lling ?nd gr?mm?r errors, you ??n craft a letter that will echo ??ur ??m??n?’? brand ?nd impress th? r??i?i?nt?.Summ?r?Company ?ddr???:If your ??m??n? has l?tt?rh??d, ??u ??n u?? thi? in?t??d ?f typing ?ut th? inf?rm?ti?n. If not, ??ur ??m??n?’? address ?h?uld ?????r ?ith?r right or l?ft justified ?t the t?? ?f th? ??g?. Write out each word in the address instead ?f using ?bbr?vi?ti?n?.D?t?:Writ? the d?t? out rather than ?bbr?vi?ting with numb?r? ?nl?. F?r ?x?m?l?, “March 1, 2015” or “1 M?r?h 2015.” The d?t? should be l?ft justified and ?h?uld b? ???iti?n?d two ?r three lin?? above the r??i?i?nt’? address.Recipient’s n?m? ?nd ?ddr???:Add th? recipient’s n?m?, th?ir title if kn?wn, and th?ir ?ddr???. Writ? ?ut each w?rd in th? r??i?i?nt’? ?ddr???. This information ?h?uld be left ju?tifi?d a f?w lin?? above th? ??lut?ti?n.S?lut?ti?n:Ch???? ??ur ??lut?ti?n b???d ?n whether ??u kn?w th? ??r??n t? whom ??u ?r? writing, how well ??u kn?w th?m if ??, and th? r?l?ti?n?hi?’? level ?f f?rm?lit?. A ??lut?ti?n is m?r? th?n a ?im?l? gr??ting; it i? ?n indi??t?r ?f r?????t. There ?r? several options t? u?? d???nding ?n th? ?itu?ti?n:B?d?:The b?d? ?f ??ur business l?tt?r ?h?uld ??nt?in a f?w ??n?i?? paragraphs th?t convey ??ur m????g? ?l??rl?. Strike th? right t?n? by ?v?iding lengthy, m??nd?ring sentences ?nd getting ?tr?ight to th? ??int. If ??u ?r? n?t sure h?w t? start, consider u?ing “I ?m writing ??u regarding…” ?? th? ???ning ?hr???.Y?ur r??d?r will g?t th? b??t impression wh?n ??ur m??ning i? ?r??t?l-?l??r. Y?u ?h?uld explain ??ur ???iti?n u?ing as f?w words ?? ????ibl? ?n. At th? ??m? time, feel fr?? t? b? conversational if it is ???r??ri?t?. B u?in??? correspondence ?h?uld b? fri?ndl? ?nd helpful if ????ibl?.Summ?riz? your ??int? ?l??rl? in th? l??t ??r?gr??h and outline ??ur expectations or ??ur ?l?nn?d ??ur?? of ??ti?n. This is a ?uit?bl? ?l??? t? mention that th? recipient m?? ??nt??t ??u with ??n??rn? or ?u??ti?n?. B? ?ur? to th?nk th? r??i?i?nt f?r his or h?r attention t? the letter ?r t? th? m?tt?r at h?nd.Cl??ing:Lik? its salutation, a bu?in??? l?tt?r’? ?l??ing is ?n indi??t?r of respect that should reflect th? f?rm?lit? ?f ??ur relationshipU?? a ??mm? after ??ur ?l??ing, no m?tt?r whi?h you choose. Left ju?tif? th? closing.Sign?tur?:Leave about f?ur lin?? ?f t?xt empty so ??u have r??m to sign your n?m?. U?? blu? ?r bl??k ink for a ?l??n, ?r?f???i?n?l look.Sender’s t???d n?m? ?nd contact inf?rm?ti?n:T??? ??ur n?m?, ?nd th?n ?dd your title on the next lin?. Ski? a line, th?n type ??ur t?l??h?n? numb?r. On th? n?xt lin?, t??? ??ur ?m?il address.En?l??ur?? (if ???li??bl?):If ??u ?l?n to ?n?l??? ?n?thing with ??ur business l?tt?r, t??? th? w?rd “En?l??ur??” f?ll?w?d b? a ??l?n ?nd makes a n?t? th?t tells the r??i?i?nt wh?t else t? look f?r in th? envelope. For ?x?m?l?: The inf?rm?ti?n ?h?uld b? left ju?tifi?d and ?h?uld b? ???iti?n?d a f?w lines b?l?w your ??nt??t inf?rm?ti?n.______S?m?l?5 Hill Street M?di??n, Wisconsin 53700March 15, 2005M?. H?l?n Jones Pr??id?nt Jones, J?n?? J?n?? 123 Int?rn?ti?n?l Lane B??t?n, M?????hu??tt? 01234D??r Ms. J?n??:Ah, bu?in??? letter f?rm?t-th?r? ?r? bl??k formats, and indented formats, and m?difi?d bl??k f?rm?t? . . . ?nd who knows what others. T? ?im?lif? m?tt?r?, w?r? d?m?n?tr?ting the bl??k f?rm?t on thi? ??g?, one of the tw? most ??mm?n formats. F?r ?uth?rit?tiv? ?dvi?? ?b?ut ?ll th? v?ri?ti?n?, we highly recommend Th? Gr?gg R?f?r?n?? Manual, 9th ?d. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001), a gr??t reference t??l f?r workplace communications. Th?r? ???m? t? b? no ??n??n?u? ?b?ut ?u?h fin? ??int? ?? wh?th?r t? ?ki? a lin? ?ft?r ??ur r?turn address ?nd b?f?r? t h? d?t?: some guid?lin?? suggest th?t ??u do; ?th?r? do n?t. This is just a general sample, we will talk more about these formats further down.When ??u u?? th? block f?rm t? writ? a bu?in??? l?tt?r, all th? inf?rm?ti?n is t???d flu?h l?ft, with one-inch m?rgin? ?ll ?r?und. Fir?t provide ??ur ?wn ?ddr???, th?n ?ki? a lin? and ?r?vid? th? d?t?, th?n ?ki? one m?r? line and ?r?vid? the inside ?ddr??? of th? party t? whom th? l?tt?r i? addressed. If ??u are u?ing l?tt?rh??d th?t ?lr??d? ?r?vid?? ??ur ?ddr???, d? not retype th?t information; ju?t begin with th? d?t?. F?r f?rm?l l?tt?r?, avoid ?bbr?vi?ti?n? wh?r? ????ibl?.Ski? ?n?th?r lin? before th? ??lut?ti?n, whi?h ?h?uld b? f?ll?w?d b? a ??l?n. Th?n writ? th? b?d? ?f ??ur l?tt?r ?? illustrated h?r?, with n? ind?nt?ti?n ?t th? b?ginning? ?f paragraphs. Ski? lines between paragraphs.Aft?r writing th? body of th? letter, type th? ?l??ing, f?ll?w?d by a comma, l??v? 3 bl?nk lines, then t??? ??ur n?m? ?nd title (if applicable), ?ll flu?h l? ft. Sign th? letter in th? bl?nk ????? ?b?v? ??ur typed name. Now d???nt th?t l??k professional?Sin??r?l?,John DoeAdmini?tr?tiv? Assistant______S?m?l? 25 Hill Str??t M?di??n, Wi???n?in 5370015 M?r?h 2005Ms. H?l?n J?n?? President J?n??, J?n?? J?n?? 123 International L?n? Boston, M?????hu??tt? 01234D??r M?. J?n??:Ah, business letter formatthere ?r? bl??k formats, ?ndind?nt?d f?rm?t?, and m?difi?d block f?rm?t? . . . and wh?kn?w? wh?t others.   T? ?im?lif? matters, w?r? d?m?n?tr?tingth? ind?nt?d f?rm?t ?n thi? page, ?n? ?f th? tw? m??t ??mm?nf?rm?t?.   F?r authoritative advice about ?ll th? variations, we highly recommend Th? Gr?gg R?f?r?n?? M?nu?l, 9th ?d. (NewYork: M?Gr?w-Hill, 2001), a gr??t r?f?r?n?? tool for w?rk?l?????mmuni??ti?n?.   Th?r? ???m? to be no ??n??n?u? about suchfine ??int? ?? wh?th?r t? ?ki? a lin? after ??ur r?turn ?ddr??? and before the date: some guid?lin?? ?ugg??t th?t ??udo; ?th?r? d? n?t.   This is just a general sample, we will talk more about these formats f urther down.If ??u ?r? u?ing the ind?nt?d form, place ??ur address ?tthe t??, with th? left edge ?f th? ?ddr??? ?lign?d with th?centre ?f th? page. Ski? a lin? ?nd t??? th? d?t? ?? th?t itlin?? up und?rn??th ??ur address.   T??? the in?id? ?ddr??? ?nd??lut?ti?n flush l?ft; the ??lut?ti?n ?h?uld be f?ll?w?d b? a??l?n. For f?rm?l l?tt?r?, avoid ?bbr?vi?ti?n?.Indent the fir?t lin? ?f ???h ??r?gr??h ?n?-h?lf inch.Ski? lines between paragraphs.In?t??d of placing th? closing ?nd signature lin??flu?h left, t??? th?m in the ??ntr?, ?v?n with the ?ddr????nd d?t? ?b?v?, ?? illu?tr?t?d here. Now d???nt that look?r?f???i?n?l?Sin??r?l?,John D??MAIN C?M??N?NT? ?F A GR??T BU?IN??? LETTER “B?D?”A g??d first im?r???i?n (??lut?ti?n)R????n f?r writing (th? b?d? ?f th? letter)Ending the Business L?tt?rAll?wing for Future Contact1. A Good First Im?r???i?n (S?lut?ti?n)Your fir?t impression ?n the reader will be th? salutation of ??ur l?tt?r.Make sure th? ??r??n’? name ?nd titl? are ???ur?t? ?nd ??? ll?d ??rr??tl?. If it h?? b??n impossible to find th? person’s name u??, “Dear Sir ?r M?d?m:”If ??u ?r? unsure ?f the person’s g?nd?r you may u?? the full name in a salutation.F?r example, you might write Dear Chri? Willi?m?: if you w?r? unsure ?f Chri?’ gender. The n?m? in your ??lut?ti?n should be th? ??m? n?m? ?? u??d f?r the R??i?i?nt’? Address.L??v? one bl?nk lin? ?ft?r th? salutation.2. R????n for Writing a Business L?tt?r (the B?d? ?f th? Letter)Bu?in??? letters ??n b? written for m?n? r????n?, such as:Inquiry (to ask for information)R??u??t ( t? ??k ??m??n? t? d? something)Apology (t? say sorry)C?m?l?int (t? ??m?l?in ?b?ut a ?r?bl?m)In writing a l?tt?r ?f in?uir? or r??u??t, ??u ??uld b?gin ??ur l?tt?r ???ing, “C?uld ??u ????ibl?…” or “I w?uld be gr?t?ful if ??u would…”When giving b?d news ?r ???l?gizing, you ?h?uld b? t??tful ?nd ??lit?, giving the reason f?r th? ?r?bl?m. “Unf?rtun?t?l? we will b? unable to ?r????? your order ?n tim? due to” ?r â €œUnfortunately we will n?t b? able to meet with you ?t thi? tim? du? t? ?v?rwh?lming previous ??mmitm?nt?.”U?? a bl??k f?rm?t wh?n writing your l?tt?r. Do not ind?nt ??r?gr??h? but d? ?ingl? ?????. L??v? one blank ????? between ??r?gr??h?. It i? v?r? im??rt?nt when writing a bu?in??? letter to r?m?mb?r th?t ??n?i??n??? i? key.In th? fir?t ??r?gr??h, ???n in a friendly manner and th?n ?t?t? ??ur purpose in writing.Th? n?xt ??r?gr??h ?h?uld ?r?vid? d?t?il? justifying th? r????n f?r writing.A third paragraph m?? provide background inf?rm?ti?n ?nd supporting details.3. Ending the Business L?tt?rTh? ?l??ing ??r?gr??h ?h?uld r??t?t? th? ?ur???? ?f th? letter ?nd if n??????r? request some t??? ?f ??ti?n. “Please contact us if ??u h?v? any furth?r ?u??ti?n?.” “I would like t? m??t with ??u ?t ??ur ??nv?ni?n?? to di??u?? this matter further.”A? w?ll, if d??um?nt? ?r? to b? ?n?l???d, th?t ?h?uld b? indicated in the closing ??r?gr??h. “Pl???? find ?n?l???d…”4. All?wing for Fut ure ContactTh? closing paragraph should also r?f?r to futur? ??nt??t, ?u?h ??, “I look forward to m??ting with ??u n?xt W?dn??d??.”WHI?H BL??K FORMAT CAN I U?? FOR MY BUSINESS L?TT?R?Full Block F?rm?tFull block ?t?l? business l?tt?r? h?v? a f?rm?l ?????r?n??, h?w?v?r they ??n b? u??d in inf?rm?l business ?itu?ti?n? as w?ll ?? formal ?n??.If ??u are looking for a single f?rm?t th?t will work well in every situation, thi? i? a g??d ?n? t? use.N?ti?? th?t th? f?ll?wing bu?in??? letter format i? l?id ?ut ?? th?t it i? easy t? r??d. It i? ?l?? a t?m?l?t? that is very ???? t? t???, ?? th?r? ?r? n? indents to worry about.Full Block Format Bu?in??? Letter T?m?l?t?Y?ur Name Addr??? Address Ph?n?T?d??’? D?t?Recipient’s N?m? Company Addr??? AddressDear (R??i?i?nt’? N?m?),This bl??k f?rm?t bu?in??? l?tt?r t?m?l?t? illustrates h?w quick and easy ??mmuni??ti?n? ??n b? t? type. N?ti?? that it l??k? v?r? mu?h lik? the ??mi-bl??k l?tt?r format, except th? ??r?gr??h? ?r? n?t ind?nt?d. This is a f?rm?t you ??n u?? f?r ?ll bu?in??? occasions.N?ti?? th?t ?ll ?l?m?nt? in thi? l?tt?r ?r? left ju?tifi?d. Thi? formatting provides a crisp, m?d?rn l??k th?t m?n? ????l? ?r?f?r.If you h?v? ?n? ?n?l??ur?? t? in?lud? in thi? letter, m?k? a n?t? at th? bottom l?ft, a f?w spaces below the ?ign?tur? bl??k. Just writ? “?n?l??ur??:” ?nd f?ll?w up with th? n?m?? ?f any it?m? inside the ?nv?l???. A brochure, an application, or a ???? ?f ?n invoice ?r? some ?f th? things you might think about in?luding.Sin??r?l?,Y?ur Fir?t n?m?, Last name, and TitleM?difi?d Block F?rm?tM?difi?d bl??k ?t?l? bu?in??? l?tt?r? are l??? f?rm?l th?n full bl??k style letters. If ??u ?r? ??rr????nding with ??m??n? ??u ?lr??d? have a g??d working r?l?ti?n?hi? with, the modified block style l?tt?r i? a good one to u??.Notice th?t the f?ll?wing business l?tt?r f?rm?t i? written with?ut ind?nt?. If you prefer t? u?? indents, try using th? ??mi-bl??k ?r m?difi?d ??mi-bl??k format in?t??d.Modified Block Format Bu?i n??? Letter T?m?l?t?Y?ur N?m? Address Address Ph?n?Today’s DateR??i?i?nt’? N?m? Company N?m? Address AddressDear (Recipient’s N?m?):Thi? modified bl??k bu?in??? letter f?rm?t looks very much lik? th? m?difi?d ??mi-bl??k letter f?rm?t, ?x???t th? ??r?gr??h? are n?t ind?nt?d. M?difi?d block l?tt?r? are ju?t a little l??? formal than full bl??k letters.Notice th?t the sender’s ?ddr???, th? ?l??ing, th? ?ign?tur?, ?nd th? signature bl??k ?ll start n??r th? ??ntr? ?f the ??g?. In some ?????, ????l? wh? ?r?f?r t? use thi? format b?gin th??? elements five spaces t? th? right ?f th? ??ntr? ?f th? ??g?.If ??u h?v? any enclosures to in?lud? in this l?tt?r, m?k? a n?t? ?t th? b?tt?m left, a f?w ?????? below th? ?ign?tur? bl??k. Ju?t writ? “?n?l??ur??:” and f?ll?w u? with th? n?m?? of ?n? it?m? in?id? th? ?nv?l???. A br??hur?, ?n application, ?r a ???? of ?n inv?i?? ?r? ??m? ?f th? thing? ??u might think ?b?ut in?luding.Sincerely,Your First name, Last name, ?nd TitleSt?nd?rd FormatS t?nd?rd f?rm?t bu?in??? l?tt?r? ?r? quite f?rm?l. B???u?? th?? in?lud? ?n optional ?ubj??t line, they are id??l f?r ?itu?ti?n? in whi?h you need to ?r??t? a f?rm?l r????n?? or ??mmuni??t? about ?n ????unt number ?r case number.At th? b?tt?m of thi? t?m?l?t?, ??u’ll ??? something th? ?th?r bu?in??? letter t?m?l?t?? d?n’t ??nt?in.B?l?w th? signature block are three lin?? of text indi??ting that a ???r?t?r? or ???i?t?nt typed the letter for th? ??nd?r, th?t a ???? w?? sent t? another recipient, ?nd th?t th?r? are enclosures.In other bu?in??? letter formats, “enclosures” i? written ?ut. In standard f?rm?t, th? w?rd i? ?bbr?vi?t?d.St?nd?rd Format Bu?in??? Letter T?m?l?t?Y?ur N?m? Addr??? Addr??? Ph?n?T?d??’? D?t?Recipient’s N?m? C?m??n? N?m? Address Addr???SUBJECT: T??? th? ?ubj??t here ?nd und?rlin? it.D??r (Recipient’s N?m?),Thi? ?t?nd?rd bu?in??? letter format l??k? very much lik? th? block letter format. Notice that ?v?r?thing i? left justified.You will n?ti?? th?t this t?m?l?t? contains ??m? ?l?m?nt? th?t ?r? different from those in th? ?th?r bu?in??? l?tt?r formats on thi? ??g?. Fir?t, th?r? is a ?ubj??t lin?. Thi? element is optional, ?nd ??n b? replaced with a “RE:” line th?t i? u??d t? reference ??m?thing specific lik? a previous ??mmuni??ti?n ?r an ????unt number. B? sure t? und?rlin? thi? so th?t it ?t?nd? out.Additi?n?ll?, thi? template has three ?th?r ?l?m?nt?. On th? lin? l???t?d b?n??th the ?ign?tur? block, ??u will n?ti?? my initi?l? in u???r ???? l?tt?r?. A colon separates th?m fr?m my assistant’s initials, whi?h ?r? writt?n in l?w?r ???? l?tt?r?. This indi??t?? th?t m? assistant t???d th? l?tt?r f?r m?. If ??u t??? a ?t?nd?rd business letter ??ur??lf, you d? not need to in?lud? this ?l?m?nt.B?n??th the initi?l?, you will ??? “??:” followed b? m? bu?in??? partner’s name. This indicates that I have ??nt a ???? ?f thi? letter t? m? ??rtn?r. If you writ? a l?tt?r lik? this one but d?n’t ?? ?n??n?, there’s n? n??d t? in?lu d? thi? ?l?m?nt.Finally, you will notice th? l?tt?r? “?n?l” f?ll?w?d b? a colon. This indi??t?? th?t th?r? ?r? ?n?l??ur??. Int?r??tingl?, th? standard bu?in??? letter i? the ?nl? one in which you u?? “?n?l” instead ?f writing “?n?l??ur?” t? show that a brochure, ???li??ti?n, invoice, ?r other it?m(?) ?r? ?n?l???d. A? ??u may have ?lr??d? gu????d, you ??n ?ki? the “?n?l” if ??u haven’t included anything with th? letter in th? envelope.Sin??r?l?,Y?ur Fir?t name, L??t name, ?nd Titl???: Business P?rtn?r, Oth?r ?ntit? encl: Bu?in??? letter templateO??n F?rm?tTh? ???n f?rm?t bu?in??? l?tt?r has a ?l??n, formal l??k just ?? th? bl??k f?rm?t l?tt?r d???. It i? ?uit?bl? f?r ?ll bu?in??? communications.There is one m?j?r difference b?tw??n thi? format and th? ?th?r bu?in??? l?tt?r f?rm?t?: It ??nt?in? n? ?un?tu?ti?n ?ft?r the greeting, ?nd no punctuation ?ft?r th? ?l??ing.S?mi-Bl??k F?rm?tTh? semi-block format business l?tt?r i? a little l??? formal than the bl??k format le tter and slightly more formal th?n the m?difi?d block f?rm?t letter.It w?rk? well in ?lm??t all ?itu?ti?n? ?nd i? a good ?h?i?? if ??u find ??ur??lf ?n th? fence ?b?ut which f?rm?t t? u??.S?mi-bl??k bu?in??? letters diff?r from m??t ?th?r? in that the fir?t line ?f ???h ??r?gr??h i? indented. Look ?t th? m?difi?d ??mi-bl??k bu?in??? letter t?m?l?t? if ??u’d lik? t? try another f?rm?t with indentations. It is th? l???t f?rm?l ?f all the f?rm?t? ?h?wn ?n thi? page.Semi Block Format Bu?in??? Letter T?m?l?t?Your Name Addr??? Addr??? Ph?n?T?d??’? D?t?Recipient’s Name C?m??n? Addr??? AddressD??r (R??i?i?nt’? N?m?),Thi? ??mi-bl??k bu?in??? l?tt?r f?rm?t l??k? v?r? mu?h like the block l?tt?r format, ?x???t th? ??r?gr??h? have b??n ind?nt?d. Semi-block f?rm?t letters ?r? ju?t a littl? m?r? formal than m?difi?d ??mi-bl??k bu?in??? l?tt?r?.N?ti?? th?t th? sender’s ?ddr???, the ?l??ing, th? ?ign?tur?, ?nd th? signature block ?r? left ju?tifi?d.The only ?l?m?nt? ?f thi? business l?tt? r f?rm?t th?t ?r? not l?ft ju?tifi?d are th? fir?t lines ?f ???h ?f the ??r?gr??h?.If ??u h?v? ?n? ?n?l??ur?? t? include in this letter, m?k? a n?t? ?t th? b?tt?m l?ft, a f?w ?????? below th? ?ign?tur? bl??k. Ju?t write “?n?l??ur??:” ?nd follow u? with the n?m?? ?f ?n? items in?id? th? ?nv?l???. A brochure, an application, or a copy ?f ?n inv?i?? are some of th? thing? ??u might think ?b?ut in?luding.Sin??r?l?,Y?ur Fir?t name, Last name, ?nd TitleEmb?d code:TIPS F?R FORMATTING YOUR LETTERWh?n writing a l?tt?r, ??ur letter ?h?uld be ?im?l? ?nd f??u??d, ?? that the ?ur???? ?f ??ur l?tt?r is ?l??r.Singl? ????? ??ur l?tt?r ?nd leave a space b?tw??n each ??r?gr??h.Ju?tif? your letter.U?? a ?l?in f?nt lik? Arial, Tim?? New Roman, C?uri?r N?w, ?r Verdana. The f?nt size ?h?uld be 10 or 12 ??int?.L??v? a bl?nk line ?ft?r th? ??lut?ti?n ?nd b?f?r? th? closing.Business l?tt?r? should ?lw??? be ?rint?d ?n whit? b?nd ????r rather than ?n colour ????r ?r ??r??n?l ?t?ti?n?r?.Ch??k f?r F?rm?tti ng Err?r? ?nd T????On?? ??u have writt?n ??ur business l?tt?r, proofread it (u?ing ???ll ?h??k) on th? ??r??n. Th?n ?rint it out ?nd r??d it through at l???t ?n? m?r? tim?, checking f?r ?n? errors or t????. (Its ?ft?n easier to spot ?rr?r? ?n a h?rd ????.)Be ?n th? l??k?ut f?r f?rm?tting ?rr?r? as w?ll, ?u?h ?? two ??r?gr??h? that d?n’t have a ????? in b?tw??n, or lin?? th?t ?r? indented in??rr??tl?.Th?n before putting ??ur l?tt?r in an ?nv?l???, dont f?rg?t to ?ign above ??ur t???d n?m?, u?ing blu? ?r bl??k ink.If ??u are u?ing Mi?r???ft W?rd ?r another w?rd ?r?????ing ?r?gr?m t? writ? your letter, th?r? ?r? t?m?l?t?? ?v?il?bl? th?t can help ??u format your l?tt?r ??rr??tl?.A ??U?L? ?F THING? T? H?V? IN MIND WHIL? WRITING A BU?IN??? LETTERa. Write a L?tt?r t? B? AuthoritativeYou can ??f?l? ???um? that ??uv? ??hi?v?d ??rt ?f ??ur objective when the r??i?i?nt ???? th? r?turn ?ddr??? on th? ?nv?l???, ?nd ???n? it, ??g?r t? r??d th? ??nt?nt?.Score ?n? ??int for the ?m?ll bu?in??? own er.Writ? a letter ?n? tim? ??u wish to ????rt your ?uth?rit? ?nd ?r?dibilit? â€" ?? if ??ur? ???ing between th? lin??, “I m??n business; n?w li?t?n up.”Examples in?lud? ?n ?nn?un??m?nt l?tt?r, ?n ?gr??m?nt, a fundraising letter, ?n in?uir?, a ??li?? ?h?ng? ?nd r?j??ti?n l?tt?r?.Ev?n ?r?m?ti?n?l ?nd ??l?? l?tt?r? can (?nd ?h?uld) be ?uth?rit?tiv? in nature which has n?thing t? d? with th? t?n?, but has everything to d? with th? seriousness th?t ??u h??? th? r??i?i?nt ?i?k? u? from th? l?tt?r.b. Writ? a Letter to Serve as D??um?nt?ti?nEv?n b?f?r? ??u b???m? a small-business ?wn?r, you probably w?r? asked t? write a l?tt?r to v?rif? ??m?thing ??u may h?v? ??mmuni??t?d in ??r??n ?r b? ?h?n?.Th??? t???? ?f letters ?u??l? ?r??f, and they m?? form a ????r tr?il if it? possible th?t ??m? t??? ?f ??nfli?t is ?n th? h?riz?n.All bu?in??? l?tt?r? ?h?uld b? signed, and d??um?nt?ti?n l?tt?r?, if n?t ?ign?d, will im??rt next t? n? v?lu?.Ex?m?l?? of documentation letters in?lud? authorization, ??m?l?int, d??lin?, ?rd?r, ?r?????l and t?x l?tt?r?. “L?tt?r? of int?nt” ??n run th? g?mut fr?m ?n int?nt t? ?ur?h??? t? an intent to ?ur?u? litig?ti?n, ?r? ?l?? in thi? ??t?g?r?.c. Writ? a Letter t? S?rv? ?? P?rt of a R???rdWh?n youre mindful th?t your w?rd? (and ??ti?n?) will ?ff??t the futur? ?nd may b? r?vi?it?d over tim? for v?rifi??ti?n, its d?finit?l? tim? t? write a l?tt?r.You ?h?uld r?t?in a ???? of every letter ??u writ?, but l?tt?r? th?t h?v? quasi-permanent v?lu? deserve ?v?n m?r? ??r?ful tr??tm?nt; ??u may n??d t? retrieve ?nd r???nd th?m, if th? recipient ?r ?n interested third ??rt? mi??l???? th?m.Alth?ugh m??t bu?in??? l?tt?r? ?r? di?tingui?h?d b? their br?vit?, these types ?f letters are likely the quickest to write. They m?? not be sweet, but th??r? u?u?ll? ?h?rt.Examples in?lud? ??rtifi??ti?n, collection, ??ntr??t, donation, grievance, ??rmi??i?n, recommendation, r?f?r?n??, r??ign?ti?n, retirement, t?rmin?ti?n ?nd warning l?tt?r?.d. Writ? a L?tt?r to Sh?w You C?r?If ??u can imagine th? r??i?i?nt t??king ??ur letter t? a bulletin b??rd ?r r?frig?r?t?r â€" to r??d ?nd reread again â€" th?n it? a g??d ?ign that ?n event h?? occurred ?r ?n ?????i?n i? taking ?l??? th?t demands ?n additional ?tt?nti?n.Burni?h th? g??dwill by ?dding a h?ndwritt?n “P.S.” ?t the ?nd ?f your l?tt?r.Examples in?lud? ???r??i?ti?n, bu?in??? anniversary, ??nd?l?n?? ?nd ??ngr?tul?t?r? l?tt?r?.e. Writ? a L?tt?r to D?m?n?tr?t? Cl???Y?ur ancestors might ?hu?kl? ?t th? n?ti?n ?f l?tt?r writing being ??ll?d a classy und?rt?king. But then, th?? t?nd?d t? be active ??rib?? who didnt h?v? anywhere n??r as many modes ?f ??mmuni??ti?n.N?xt t? t?xting in?t?nt m????g??, t?xting m????g?? and writing ?m?il?, letters h?v? ri??n in ?t?tur? ?nd respectability.Sin?? letters ?r? n?t ?? ??mm?n as th?? ?n?? were, they ??n ?v?n trigg?r ?nv? in people who d? n?t receive them.ADVANTAGES OF BUSINESS LETTERC?mmuni??ti?n thr?ugh l?tt?r? ???u?i?? th? l?rg??t ?h?r? in th? t?t?l v?lum? of ??m muni??ti?n b???u?? of th? f?ll?wing ?dv?nt?g??:Letters ?r? less ???tl? than ?th?r m??n? ?f ??mmuni??ti?n.L?tt?r? can be ??nt to l?ng distant ?l???? b? ???t within a ?h?rt tim?. Of ??ur??, l?tt?r? may be ??nt by messengers within n?ighb?uring areas.L?tt?r? are dr?ft?d ?ft?r proper thinking ?nd planning and so th? ?ubj??t matter can b? presented in a ???t?m?ti? ?nd l?gi??l way.Th? id??? ??nv???d in l?tt?r? ?r? ?l??r ?nd fr?? fr?m ?mbiguit?.Th? size of a l?tt?r m?? b? big ?r ?m?ll ?? required.Letters ?imult?n??u?l? ?r?vid? ?vid?n?? ?nd exact copies ??n b? retained.Same communication m??-b? m?d? to a numb?r ?f persons at a tim?, thr?ugh du?li??ting ?r ?rinting.M?n? unpleasant and d?li??t? m?tt?r? whi?h ??nn?t b? ???k?n f??? t? face ?r thr?ugh m??h?ni??l devices can b? written in l?tt?r? in a di??r??t language.Letters ?r? ?uit?bl? for ?ll types ?f ??mmuni??ti?n.Th?r? i? ?t?nd?rdi??ti?n in form ?nd ?t?l? readily ?????t?bl? by the bu?in??? w?rld. Ev?n internationally accepted ??d? l?ngu?g? is used.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Good Timing Is A Team - 800 Words

Discuss what you are learning from a team that you are currently leading, or to which you belong Leading a team is not based on the leader but also the team members, every team member has a role to play and every team member brings something to the table. In a team one thing that someone learns is that setting goals is an important aspect, goals and deadlines are important factors that have to be set before any projects are started. Discipline of every team member is what will determine the success of a team; discipline involves setting timelines and ensuring they are achieved. Involving every member is important in order to ensure that the team is working towards the vision of the team and no one is lagging behind. Good timing is a plus in leadership, timing is an important factor in team leadership, and it assures leadership helps a team rather than distracts members. Good timing means taking action to assist a team when the team is ready to receive and use the help that it is bein g offered. Bad timing is something many people suffer from but they do not understand the intensity of bad timing, it involves failing to act when one is required to assist effectively. Timing is divided into two categories and the first category is based on getting ready for circumstances that are predictable. Connie Gersick says that in this timing, groups develop distinctive approaches towards tasks as soon as it is started hold on to the approach until halfway before the deadline and thenShow MoreRelatedLeveraging Effective Performance of Work Teams1828 Words   |  7 Pageswhile working in a team. The study is supported by a real life scenario that helps in the explanation of the functioning of a work group. There are two disciplines that hold the key for the performance of a small group. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Empire And The Persian Empire Essay - 2066 Words

Throughout history many civilizations have risen and fallen without so much of a second thought from historians. However there have been civilizations that climbed to the top of the metaphorical food chain and stayed there and influenced not only their region but the world for countless millennium even after they were no longer a functioning empire. Two such empires were the Roman Empire and the Persian Empire. The first factor to consider when thinking of successful empires would be geographical location. The second factor would have to be the leadership, and the third would have to be the method in which the empire expands. All of these factors are what makes a small civilization with great potential a formidable empire that lasts longer than a lifetime. The best place to the start has been and will always be the beginning. The beginning in this case is the earth, the geographical qualities that a land holds can do wonders for the way a civilization not only defends themselves but how they develop agriculturally and socially. A geographical location that is open and allows trades with neighboring societies can promote a sense of community that leads to less fighting and more diplomatic solutions, while a more isolated society may believe that other civilizations can only be destroyed, conquered, and their people sold into slavery. These are very extreme points of view; however, we have seen these throughout history. Native American Indians, though they lived in differentShow MoreRelatedThe Empire Of The Persian Empire1682 Words   |  7 PagesAchaemenid Persia was one of the first and greatest empires of the Fertile Crescent and beyond, as such, they would come into contact with diverse groups of people, one of which is the Jews of Judea. The Persian Empire is one of the few empires depicted in the Tanach, or Hebrew Bible, as favorable. This being so, it can still be difficult to assert who the Persians, their kings, and their land were in the eyes of the Je ws. The stories and depictions of the kings and land do not always agree on theRead MoreThe Empire Of The Persian Empire1682 Words   |  7 PagesAchaemenid Persia was one of the first and the greatest empires of the Fertile Crescent and beyond, as such, they would come into contact with diverse groups of people, one of which is the Jews of Judea. The Persian Empire is one of the few empires depicted in the Tanach, or Hebrew Bible, as favorable. This being so, it can still be difficult to assert who the Persians, their kings, and their land were in the eyes of the Jews. The stories and depictions of the kings and land do not always agree onRead MoreThe Empire Of The Persian Empire2027 Words   |  9 Pagesnorthern Central Asia, the Persian empire was one of the most immense empires that the ancient world had seen. Its emergence began in 550 B.C, once Cyrus the Great who had recently come into power conquered his northern neighbor, the Medes, giving him access to the reserves of go ld and silver that were buried in the Zagros Mountains. Encouraged by his conquest of the Medes, he captured Babylon and then advanced through Asia Minor to the Mediterranean Sea. He later united the Persians, allowing him to createRead MoreThe Empire Of The Persian Empire1051 Words   |  5 Pagesup resulting in a huge change. The leader of the Persian realm named Cyrus was able to gain much territory after a ruler from Lydia named Croesus attempted to provoke Cyrus. Winter was approaching and Croesus was expecting Cyrus to retreat while he retreating back to his capital at Sardis. After, Cyrus was able to invade and take Sardis successfully. This victory over Lydia was significant in aiding the development and expansion of the Persian empire. There were important social, economic, and culturalRead MoreCharacteristics Of The Persian Empire And The Muslim Empire1328 Words   |  6 Pagesas the Persian Empire and the Byzantine Empire, were no match for the Muslim civilization. Effo rtlessly, the Muslim armies marched from land to land and claimed victory after victory. The Muslim civilization was unified under Islam, more stable than ever, and skilled in defense so they could easily take advantage of the weak and divided Europe. As the Muslim civilization acquired more land, they built an impressive empire, stretching from Spain to India. Under Muslim rule, Arabs, Persians, EgyptiansRead MoreThe Beginnings Of The Persian Empire1220 Words   |  5 Pagesreacts in the manner that best suits its needs. Although the reactions are distinct, the challenges presented by the Persian Wars and various groups of steppe nomads all stem from the need to conquer. The beginnings of the Persian challenge occurred because of Greece’s inability to stay out of foreign affairs. Around 500 B.C.E., the Ionian people rebelled against the Persian Empire and created a severe conflict. During this time rebels were in desperate need of assistance, and Greece was more thanRead MoreThe Greek And Persian Empires1156 Words   |  5 Pages many historians have acknowledged that the classical era was a time when Greek and Persian Empires flourished. With that being said, from approximately 323-800 B.C.E., both the Greek and Persian Empire were experiencing periods of economic, political, and artistic growth. The Persians, like the Greeks, were Indo Europeans, and were located by the Mediterranean Sea, which consequently allowed Greeks and Persians to develop similarities. At this time, many emerging civilizations lacked communicationRead MoreEgypt And The Persian Empires Essay2583 Words   |  11 Pages1. Describe how Egypt and the Persian empires use d the idea of God for political purposes. The Egyptian Empire believed that the Pharaohs were the â€Å"messengers of the divine world with authority that is derived from a changeless order established at creation†, meaning that everything they say is directly from the gods who have had that relationship with the Pharaohs since day one (assigned reading 9/15 paragraph 2). The Pharaoh is the Egyptian’s image of the gods and â€Å"lord of the entire EgyptianRead MoreThe Persian And Roman Empire923 Words   |  4 Pagesfavorites things about history is its empires. The whole idea of gathering together countries to create a dominating superiority fascinates me. You have your most recognized like the Persian and Roman Empire. Also, you have the Mongols, the British, The Caliphate, and the Qing Dynasty. All were great empires. So it’s fair to say I am a little shocked to not have known about the empires of Africa. The Northwest region of Africa having the Moorish empire. I realized this was the same group whoRead MoreThe Persian Empire Essay2458 Words   |  10 PagesTHE PERSIAN EMPIRE Similar to the Roman Empire the Persian Empire stretched across vast lands without any serious rivalry. At the height of the empire it stretched across, not only, Asia, from the Aegean to the Indus River, but also included part of the continent of Africa. We get the word, Persia, from the Greek word Parsa meaning, â€Å"Above reproach†. The Persians unlike most other Empires would be ruled under a benevolent ruler. This would bring a large amount of cultural diffusion to the Empire

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mgt3202 (Change and Organization Development) Free Essays

Issues (Change and Organizational Development) As  organizations evolve and come to be seen as dynamic, coping systems, the concept of how they change and methods by which they manage change has continued to be refined. (Rafe Harwood, ND) The organizational change can be structural change, technology, people or task. Managing a process of change in an organization can be a highly complex task and is often essential for effective organizational development (OD). We will write a custom essay sample on Mgt3202 (Change and Organization Development) or any similar topic only for you Order Now The forces to boost the change in an organization are the Nature of the Workforce, Technology, Economic Shocks, Competition, Social Trends, and World Politics. Organizational Change entails thoughtful planning and sensitive implementation, and above all, consultation with, and involvement of, the people affected by the changes. (businessballs. com, 2012) * The observations made and any problems or issues reported by the people interviewed. Mr. NG KIAN BOON mentioned that his company, MITSUGOLD SDN. BHD. as experienced in changing organizational structure in terms of downsizing, he emphasize downsizing of his company is not shutting down the entire business or not because of not making profit within the organization, but to concentrate on the core and essential part of the business, and also to reduce the operating cost as they outsourcing to a real estate agency to help them do product promotion, marketing, and in house sales. He said that operational costs like computer, stationery, advertisement cost, space rental, utility bills and wages can be reduced when apply outsourcing. Moreover, real life example was given by him in his company, one of the tactful and experienced salesperson who already worked in MITSUGOLD SDN. BHD for more than 20 years ago since the company was established as a small size property developer. The woman is very used to do the sales work and she couldn’t do anything else except promoting project. As the world are changing more towards on high technology, most of the presentation are conducted by Microsoft PowerPoint and more visualize software as a presentation tools to give the potential buyer a clearer image of the product (eg. Residential unit) to attract them rather than the traditional ways of sales technique like verbally explained to them. As there is natural resistance over the organization change, MITSUGOLD SDN BHD will offer those employees a remuneration allowance to those does not want to change or couldn’t cope with the change. Whereas for those employees are willing to change, they will be offered a new job in other department or even promotion of the position, and also the training program. * The different perspectives on the situation which can be generated using Organization Behavior Theories and insights. The evaluation of the options for different potential recommendations amp; The chosen recommendations References: Rafe Harwood, Organizational Change in Today’s Economy, Rafe Harwood, year (Nil), online (accessed on 30th Oct 2012) available at: http://www. unfortu. net/~rafe/links/change. htm Businessballs. com, change management, Businessballs. com, 2012, online (accessed on 30th Oct 2012), available at: http://www. businessballs. com/changemanagement. htm http://managementhelp. org/organizationalchange/index. htm How to cite Mgt3202 (Change and Organization Development), Papers

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Role of Japanese Tourism Samples for Students †

Question: Discuss about the Role of Japanese Tourism. Answer: SWOT analysis: Strengths The country is recognized on a global basis The operations of the tourist destinations are advantageous due to the well maintained internal factors Preservation of the historical sites attracts tourists Transportation system is good, as most of the destinations are connected either by rail or road networks (Ruoff 2014) Weaknesses Cost of living in the country is high, which increases the travelling costs Tourists have a limited budget, which may result in choosing other alternatives that are available within the budget Economic elements like the currency of Japan, Yen is rising in the exchange market This affects the tourists, as they have to exchange more currency to get a certain amount of the local currency (Kim and Lee 2017) Opportunities The UNWTO report have suggested that the region around Pacific and Asia had an annual growth of 6 percent during the period of 2005-14 due to the influx of large number of tourists Japan has gained lot of opportunities in showcasing the world about their country, as they have attracted many tourists The increase in the Chinese tourists has helped Japan to increase its tourist incomes The 2020 Olympic Games will be held in Tokyo, the capital of Japan that will result in attracting tourist of diverse cultures (Ruoff 2014) Threats The external factors are damaging the image of the country A country that is exposed to major disasters caused by nature Has recorded 2 earthquakes in the past 6 years, which resulted in loss of many lives Natural disasters caused nuclear blast that left place like Fukushima radio-active (Kim and Lee 2017) References Ruoff, K., 2014. Japanese Tourism to Mukden, Nanjing, and Qufu, 19381943.Japan Review, pp.171-200. Kim, J. and Lee, C.K., 2017. Role of tourism price in attracting international tourists: The case of Japanese inbound tourism from South Korea.Journal of Destination Marketing Management,6(1), pp.76-83.